Thursday, February 26, 2015

Who Is the Most Stupid?

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One day, a man is cutting his hair on the barber shop which located not far from his office. He and the barber see a 10 year old boy is running and jumping in front of them.

The barber said, “That is Ben, he is the most stupid boy that I’ve ever know!” “Really”, replied the man.

The barber call the boy then he takes his $2 and $1 out from his pocket then asked Ben to choose, “Ben, you may choose and take one of this money. It’s up to you which one you would choose.” Ben looked the barber’s hands and quickly takes $1 from him.

With a pride sense, the barber saw and turned into the man and said, “See what I said earlier. Ben is the most stupid boy I’ve ever know!” There is countless time I tested him like that and he always takes the $1 which is less value than $2.”

After the man finished, in a way back to office, he met Ben. Feeling curious with what he had seen before, he called Ben and asked, “Ben, I saw when a barber offers you $2 and $1, why you didn’t take the $2? That is twice more value than $1?” Ben chuckled and replied, “I will not get $1 every day because that barber always wonders why I take $1. If I took $2, the game is over and I will get no more $1 every day.”

There are a lot of people who feel smarter than others, so they often underestimate others. Only GOD knows how smart each person is. It would be wise if we do not consider themselves than others.

An Entrepreneur's Email

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An unemployment man is applying for the Office Boy position in Microsoft. The HR Manager interviewed him and tested him to clean the floor. “You hired. Give me your email address, I will send you the application form to be filled also your work start date”, said HR Manager.

That man replied, “But I don’t have computer even email”. “I’m sorry, if you don’t have email then you will never be hired here,” add HR Manager.

That man is hopeless and don’t know what to do. With only $10 left in pocket, he decided to go to supermarket and buy 10kg tomatoes. Then he sells those tomatoes from door to door. Less in 2 hours, all the tomatoes sold and he got his money double.

He repeated his sales until three times and go home with $60. He realized that he could survive by selling tomatoes and start selling tomatoes every day and come home late at night.

He got 3 times profit in a day and repeat day by day. In short time, he bought car, truck then has his own delivery vehicle.

5 years later, he became one of biggest food retailer in United States. He starts to plan his family future and decided to have life insurance.

He call insurance broker and choose protection plan. When in conversation, the broker asked him his email which will be used for insurance purposes.

He answered, “I don’t have email”. That broker shock and wondering, “You don’t have email but already successfully built the imperium company business. Can you imagine what could be happen if you have email?” That man thought for a moment then replied, “Yes. I would be an office boy in Microsoft!”

When one door closed, another door opens. But sometimes we see and regret the closed door too long so we couldn’t see the other door which is open. Never stop trying and do not give up because of a failure.

5 Most Regrets in Life

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A nurse reveals the 5 most regret of her almost die patients, those are:

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
I wish I didn’t work so hard.
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Carrot, Eggs or Coffee Beans?

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A girl is complaining to her father about her life and how the conditions are very hard for her. She doesn’t know how to handle and she wants give up. She was tire to continue fight and struggle. It looks like when one problem solved, there’s another problem.

Her father, a chef, took her into kitchen then fill 3 pots began to boil. In the first pot he put the carrots, in another pot he laid eggs and in the last pot he put the coffee beans. He let those boil without saying a word at all.

The daughter confused with what her father did. She has a problem but her father act strange.

Half hour later, the father walked to the stove and turn off the stove. Remove all ingredients to each glass. The father asked, “Dear, what do you see?” She quickly replied, “Carrots, eggs and coffee”.

The father took her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She does it and feels the carrots already softened. Then the father asked her to take the eggs that have been boiled and crack it. After she cracked the egg shells, she observed that those all solid. Last, the father asked her to drink the coffee. Her face wrinkled when she taste the power of coffee flavor. She asked him, “What’s the purpose of these all?”

The father explains, “Each of these object through the same thing, 100 degrees hot water. But each of it react differently. The carrots put in with strong and hard texture. But after going through boiled, it becomes soft and weak. The eggs are very fragile. Thin outer shell protects the liquid inside. But after being in boiling water, it became hardened. The coffee beans are unique. Once they were in boiling water, it had stronger and richer smell and taste. So which one are you?

Are you the carrots, eggs or coffee beans? Do you carrots that look strong but with a little pain difficulty and hot you become lethargic, softened and powerless? Do you eggs which initially have a soft heart and spirit that flowing likes liquid but after almost die, a farewell, a divorce a job cuts you become hard and rigid? Your shell looks the same but your heart and soul turned into very hard and rigid. Or, are you coffee beans? Coffee beans would not get the strong taste and aroma until it heated in 100 degrees boiling water. When everything is going worse you actually can do better. When in the dark days, your soul would rise to the next level.”

The Saddest Story of All

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One day, three office workers which their office location on 30th floor, down to lunch on first floor. When they want to back office, the entire electricity of that building was off including the elevators. How they can go up to the 30th floor, while that day they have urgent work and must be completed.

The trio decided to go up the stairs manually and share stories to make them feel not so tired.

First one is Jojon. Jojon should share funny stories from first until 10th floor. The second is Joni, should share scary stories from level 11 until level 20. Both perform well and they enjoyed stories until 20th floor.

Now is Jeki’s turn who should share sad stories from 21th floor until 30th floor. Then Jeki share really sad stories until they realize that they have cried until 29th floor. Only one more level, they almost enter their office. But Jeki said that he still has one more sad story which saddest from his story. Jojon and Joni won’t hear sad story again because they wouldn’t able to cry. But Jeki insisted to tell one story again and this is the saddest Jeki’s story..

Right before 30th floor, Jojon and Joni allowed Jeki before to start work. But it really is sad story.. The tittle is: the office key is left in security room on the first floor.

Buy a Miracle

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Sally was just 8 years old coincidentally she heard her parents talking about her younger brother, Georgi, has several ill. Only a very expensive surgery could save his life but they don’t have money.

She heard her father said, “Only MIRACLE can save him.” Then Sally opened her piggy bank, she took all the money out and count it.

By bringing money, Sally sneaks out and go to the pharmacy. “What do you need?” asked the pharmacist. “I want to help my brother, he is sick and I want to buy miracle,” replied Sally. “What?” the pharmacist a bit confused. “My father said only a miracle can save him. So how much the miracle is?”

“We do not sell miracle, little girl,” replied the pharmacist. “But I have money. Just tell me how much the miracle?”

A well-dressed man that heard Sally and pharmacist’s conversation ask Sally, “What kind of miracle that needed by your brother?”

“I don’t know”, said Sally. Tears began dropping on her cheek, “I just know that my brother is sick and my father said he needs to be operated on. My parents don’t have money to pay it but I have this money”.

“How much money you have?” asked him again. “One dollar, eleven cents”, said Sally confidently.

“What a coincidence!” the man said and smiling, “One dollar and eleven cents, the right price to buy a miracle, which can help your brother!” that man take Sally’s money then hold her hand. “Bring me to your brother, I want to meet him and your parents”.

That man is Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a famous expert surgeon. Surgery does without cost and no need a long time for Georgi back home in good health. Her parents are very happy. Sally smile.. She knows exactly how much a miracle. One dollar and eleven cents! Add with confidence and believe.

When you think that there’s no miracle, you’re wrong! Keep your faith and keep praying!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Five Life Balls

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Brian Dyson, the former executive of Coca Cola, once said an interesting speech, “Imagine, life is like as acrobat with five balls in the air. You can each name the balls: Work – Family – Health – Friends and Spirit. You have to keep the balls in the air and protect it to not fall.

Even if the situation requires you to release one among five balls, release the ‘Work’ ball because that is a RUBBER BALL. When you drop it, one day it will bounce back to you, but the other balls are the GLASS BALL. If you drop it, you may cause fatal.”

Brian Dyson tries to suggest us to live balanced manner. In fact, we are too protective keep the Work which is a rubber ball, we even sacrifice Family, Health, Friends and Spirit for saving the rubber ball.

For the sake of money or work, we ignore the family. For the sake of success in work, we are being a workaholic and not pay attention to Health. Even for the sake money or work, we are willing to destroy our relationship with Friends that we built for years.

It doesn’t mean that work is not important but don’t make work or money be our GOD in our life.

Remember, even if we lose money, we can still find it again but if Family already sold, where we buy it again? Lost money can still sought but can we buy a friend? Lost money can still sought but can we recuperate our health normally if we are critical illness?

Take care your life priority to remain balance..

Don’t Give Up

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One day, there are two frogs plunged into a shallow wells, soon their friends come and gather while screaming to do this and do that, though the friends think that there’s no hope for the 2 frogs. They suggested to both frog to give up and just wait until they die.

First frog received his fate and didn’t do anything. Second frog continued jump and jump. His friend outside shouted and gave sign for him to stop and give up. But in order to give up, the second frog jump higher and finally get out from the wells. The excitement burst. His friends asked him why he continued to jump when they cried out to give up. The second frog replied, “I couldn’t hear you but I saw you seem to cheer me.”

In life, sometimes we need to close our ears from who talks around us. We need to focus working on what we believe that we will be successful and then silence their mouth with success that we have achieved.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Perfect One for Perfect Other

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A young man who live in Jakarta in the age when he felt need to find a spouse. So he was looking for a girl perfect across the country to marry.

After days, weeks search, he met with the girl who is very pretty, the type of the girl who can be a woman magazine cover model even without makeup or cosmetics. But even though she looks perfect, the young man cannot marry her because that girl cannot cook. So, the young man went. That girl is not quite perfect for him.

Then the young man looking for more, for weeks and for months. Until he found a girl who even more beautiful than the first one this time her cuisine is extraordinary delicious. Better than that you can get in the best restaurant in Indonesia, even better than that you can get from family restaurant. This girl even run business her own restaurant!

But the young man cannot marry her anyway because the girl is stupid. She cannot establish a conversation at all, she’s not smart. She has not been completed her education, everything she knew just cook! So the young man went. This girl is not quite perfect for him.

Then he was looking for weeks, many months until he finally found girl on this one! She is so pretty, cooking exceeds five star restaurant, even she has her own restaurant: Indonesian style, Japanese style and Italian style. She is also smart, she had two doctoral degrees, her knowledge is so broad, can establish a conversation so great, so nice and so compassionate. She was perfect! But this young man cannot marry her because this girl looking for a perfect guy!

So.. Do not looking for perfection but complete yourself first what has been there on ourselves.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Characteristic Based on Ice Cream Flavor (2)

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You are shy and sensitive. You tend to hide your feeling, easily touched by the little things as well as easy suspicious to others. You have your own opinion and can get loud in defending your opinion. You are bit introverted and tend to be stubborn, tough so are able to work hard.

Choco Chip
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You are generous and friendly. If your friend in trouble, you always be the first to offer help. You are also competitive and aggressive to achieve the goal. You’re really enjoying the sports and often become champions.

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This ice cream flavor sensation may sound newer than the other flavors on top. Cold mint ice cream flavor does not stop soothing in mouth but can be up to the throat, so potent flavor of mint used if congestion. The mint ice cream fans tend to be rational and practical. You would have to be realistic and have a strong ideology. Finally, in everyday life, it’s tough to answer the problems of life. Hence the mint ice cream enthusiasts usually prefer to be alone.

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You are easy going and relaxed. You have an admirable sense of self-esteem. You easily adapt to new environments and therefore you easily have friendship with anyone. You are honest, empathy with others, talented and a good listener.

Characteristic Based on Ice Cream Flavor (1)

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You are cheerful and impulsive. Likes to take risk. Have high dreams and will not give up before your goals achieved. You enjoy the deep relationship with your family and friends.

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You are creative and energetic. You have dramatic nature and enthusiasm in life. You are good at socializing and if you go to a party, definitely you like to be the center of attention. Because your character likes a challenge, you are easily bored with monotonous routine things.

Cookies and Cream
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You are optimistic and confident with yourself. Your appearance tends to be simple because you did not so fond of grooming. Your principle is better to make people fall in love with your personality and not because of your appearance. You’re friendly and have respect with others.

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You’re a perfectionist who always plans for your life. For you, life without schedule is suicide. You are responsible and able to lead. That’s why your friends always make you the leader of any group.

Conditioning Life

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An elephant can lift objects that weigh more than a ton only with its trunk. But strangely, an elephant can also be conditioned to dwell somewhere, tied to a peg attached to his front leg with only a small rope. No chains and no cage, of course the elephant was able to free himself from the bonds at any time, but in fact why the elephant was not able to?

This is because when the elephant was a baby and much smaller, the elephant was tied to a large tree with strong chains. That baby elephant was still weak while the chain and the tree are sturdy.  It is not unusual the baby elephant tied, so he kept yanking and pulling at the chain but it was in vain.

One day he realized that all the traction it’s no use, he gave up. Thought that he would never be able to free himself from the shackles of bondage. The baby elephant was stopped trying and quiet.

After the baby elephant grew into a large adult, he tied on a small peg with the fragile threads. Actually the elephant can free himself only with a jerk but the elephant quiets because he has CONDITIONED to believe that he cannot be separated from the bond.

The moral of the elephant story is we are born with extraordinary powerful ability but if the life is conditioning us to be a fragile human. Would we be like the elephant above?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Rise Above Humiliation

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When Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865) was a young lawyer, he often consulted with other lawyers on the case. One day, he sat in the waiting room to see a senior lawyer. But when it came time, the lawyer only sees Lincoln glance and shout, “What’s he doing here? Get rid of him! I’m not going to deal with a stiff monkey!” Lincoln pretended not to hear. Even though he knew it was deliberate insult. Although shy, he remained calm. Then when the trial took place, Lincoln ignored. But the lawyer who had insulted Lincoln so cruel, he can defend his client with brilliant. Handling of the case was made Lincoln fascinated. He said to himself, “His reason is very nice. The arguments were precise and very complete. Well organized and prepared! I’ll go home and really be keen to learn the law again.” Time flies..

Lincoln becomes president of United States in March 1861. Among the main critics, there is Edwin M. Stanton, a lawyer who once insulted and hurt Lincoln so deeply, but Lincoln lifted him in important positions as a Secretary of War. He never forgot that Stanton is a smart-witted lawyer, which is needed by country. When Lincoln died, Stanton said, “He is the pearl belonged to civilization.  

Only a person who has character and forgiving like Lincoln can rise and succeed in humiliation! So, keep the mood. Do not let other people’s bad attitude determines how we act. Select to continue to do well and learn to forgive. Make ‘junk’ as ‘fertilizer’ or ‘fuel’ for forward-both within the family, work or where we live.

Try Different Ways

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One day, a kid goes outside home and forgot to close the door house. Then there is a fly rush into that house. The fly straight to a table which filled with delicious food and eating with gusto.

After full, the fly rush want to get out of the house and flew toward the door when he entered. But it turns out the glass door has been closed.

The fly was flying around the glass, occasionally jumping and crashing the glass, with relentless the fly trying to get out of the glass door. That fly crept around the glass from up to down, from left to right, and keep on repeatedly. The day darker, the fly was exhausted and starving. The next morning, that fly hung limp and collapsed on the floor.

Not far from that place, a group of red ants appear to go hand in hand out of the nest to find food. When the ants encounter the helpless fly, they gathered around and bite the fly’s body to death. That herd of ants was transporting the poor fly carcasses to their nests.

On the way, a little ant asked his older companion, “What’s wrong with this fly? Why is he dying?” The older replied, “Oh, it’s often that there are flies that died in vain like this. Actually he have been tried, he really has struggled trying to get out of the glass door. But when it did not find a way out, he was frustrated and tired until finally fell dying and becoming our dinner.”

But the little ant still curious and asked again,” I still not understand, instead that fly had tried hard? Why it didn’t work?” Still walking and carrying the fly carcass, the old ants replied, “That fly relentless and have tried repeatedly. It’s just that he did so repeatedly in the same way.”

The old ant was order his friends paused as he went on to say, but this time with more serious expression and tone, “Remember boy, if you do things the same way but expecting different results, then your fate will be like this fly.”

Life like a Hedgehog

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In an area, living similar group of hedgehog. Because the extreme cold, they decided to stay in groups in a cave to keep warm. They are closer to each other. But when it started to close together, their thorns hurt their next friends.

After a while, they decided to keep their distance from each other. As a result, they begin to feel freezing, cold and finally threatened with death. So they have decided: accept others thorns or die!

Wisely they decide to get back together. They also learn to live with minor injury result of a great distance companions in order to close to feel   the warmth. A way that makes them ultimately survives.

Message in the story is, best relationship is not a relationship that brings perfect people in group. But when each person learn to live with others imperfection, also able to “appreciate” all the warmth that given by others.

That what makes our lives become more “alive” (meaning) and “enduring” the situation or extreme environments.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Characteristics of Single Child

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Single child can be referred to as the “most versatile”. Take the best and worst qualities of the first child, multiple it two or three times and you’ve just created a recipe for single child. Single child is not only could be a leader but they tend to be super perfectionist. Everything is black and white, it means, “Do it on my way or the wrong way.” Therefore, they tend to be a lot of criticism and not just a little selfish. Sometimes they can oppress people and do not care about others feeling.

Very likely, the single child typical is a list maker, very smart and growing rapidly in the logic. Single child tends to be very neat bur even some messy know where to find something amid. They are great activator: task oriented, organized remarkable, very thorough and completely unreliable. They like facts, ideas and detail and very comfortable with responsibility. Single child may be introverted. Though they like one-on-one interaction, they are impatient for small talk in the middle of group social events. They tend to be difficult to forgive and tend to be demanding. They hate to admit that they are wrong and are usually not easily accept criticism.

In special situation, single child can creates two different types of people. The first is restless child below the surface. Always brought up with strict plan regularly and very discipline even expected to act mature since the age of five, living joy in the midst of adults and often particularly get along with adult. These children are very quiet and cool on the surface but behind it they hate to be an adult who robbed of their childhood.

The Characteristics of the Twins

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Although each has siblings, twins usually grow into a different person. Generally, the first child born will have the proper character of older sister / brother who protects. While the born later will have character like younger sibling. Outside of their relationship, the twins will usually have problems with the stamp of their “twin” status. This could be a source of frustration when they grow up and look for their identity. So, teach the twins to look for their favorite passion or respectively. Although they will difficult to be separated and prefer to be with, try to approach one by one and notice what is their interest and skills individually. It is important for each child to build interest and individual personality and not mutually dependent.

The first twin resembles the first child:
  • Aggressive
  • Hard
  • Speak out
  • Stubborn
  • Intolerance

The second twin resembles the middle child:
  • Shy
  • A quiet
  • Loner
  • Not opposing

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Characteristics of Last Child

The last child is often considered as a baby family and life as this role. Sometimes it is hard for last child to find a place in family, as the first and middle child has left footprints to follow and carve themselves into the family.

Characters that is common to the last child among other children:
  • Classified as difficult as it had older sibling as models.
  • Often feel inferior, as not as powerful as their older siblings.
  • Often assisted in the care of people around, so they’re not too aware of their potential.
  • Tend to be spoiled and love much devoted to them.
  • More feel safe.
  • Tend not mature and less responsible.
  • Usually understand that they are special.
  • Considered as a “baby” continuously.
  • The rules that given to them is less strict.
  • Only given small responsibility in the family.
  • Less experience in learning responsibility makes the youngest avoid responsibility and commitment, especially when the parents treat them happily as a “baby”.
  • More spontaneous and have a free spirit.
  • Many comedians and hosts are a middle child or the youngest because they freely develop their unique personality.

The Characteristics of First Child

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First born child usually has great attention directed at them. There are two kinds of typical first-born child that is obedient and aggressive. The first child in the family can be one of two types and have distinctive characters:

  • Often burdened with expectations or wishes of parents. The first child is very important for parents’ ego. That is why, the eldest encouraged to achieve a very high standard as parent representative.
  • Tend to be depressed.
  • Love being the center of attention. The optimal development of their personality is when they gained attention.
  • Parents tend to be more concerned in educating first child.
  • Usually first child is a high achiever (have desire to be achiever).
  • When the younger was born, they had an honor place for the younger. Even so, when the center was distracted by their younger, they can be jealous and insecure.
  • Likely to be given the responsibility of parents to look after their younger.
  • Responsible and independent learning through daily activities.
  • Reliable.
  • Tend to be bound to the rules.
  • Dominant, conservative and authoritarian,
  • Having a sharp mind.
  • More sensitive.
  • Responsible, protect and care for others.
  • Good organizer.
  • Many first children get the top position as director or CEO. Not a bit first child who was suffering because they do not succeed.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Snail and the Frog

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There is a snail that always looks cynical to a frog. One day, the frog who lost his patience finally ask the snail, “Hey snail, did a make a very bad mistake so you hate me?” Snail replied, “you frog has four legs and can jump back and forth, but I have to bring this shell. This is heavy, crawling on the ground, so I feel very sad,” the frog replied,“ Every life has each misery respectively, except that you only see my excitement, but you do not see our suffer.”

Immediately, there was a big eagle flying towards them. Snail quickly covers his put in his body into the shell, while the frog ate by eagle.

Enjoy your life, do not need to be compared with others. Jealousy of our hearts toward others will bring more suffer. It’s better to think about what we have. It will bring more gratitude and happiness for us.

The Perfect Girl

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A very handsome and perfect man thins that God must also have created a very beautiful and perfect woman who matches with as his foul mate.

So he went around finding her soul mate. Then he arrived in a village. He met a farmer who had three daughters and all of them are very beautiful.

The man met the farmer and says that he wants to marry one of his children but confused which is the most perfect. The farmer suggested for dating them one by one and the man agreed.

The first day he went with his first daughter. When they returned, he said to the farmer, “the first daughter has a small flaw. Her left leg thumb is smaller than her right thumb”.

The next day he went with farmer’s second daughter and on his return he said, “The second daughter also had a very small flaw that she has rather squint eyes”.

Eventually he went down with the third daughter. He returned very happy and said to the farmer, “This is what I looking for. She was absolutely perfect.” Than the man marry with the farmer’s third daughter.

Nine months later, the wife was giving birth. With full of happiness, the man witnessed the birth of his first child. When the child is born, he was so shocked and disappointed because he is ugly. He met the farmer and asked, “Why can happen like this, sir? Your daughter is beautiful and I’m handsome, why my child could be so ugly?” The farmer replied, “My third daughter is not perfect. She has small invisible flaw. She was pregnant when she’s marrying you.”

Sometimes when we look for perfection, we could get disappointment instead. But when we ready with the shortage, then everything will feel special.

The Characteristics of Middle Child

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Among the eldest and the youngest, the middle child is well known with their negotiation skill. Because the wedge position so they want to get the attention of the parents or others around them. The middle child is quite difficult to pin down but they tend to be the opposite of their eldest.

These are the characteristics of middle child:
  • Tend to be more independent so they could build and form their own character. For example, their mother holds their youngest and their father hold their eldest, then they doesn't know what to rely on anyone. Eventually they became more independent.
  • Because of neglect, the second or middle tend to have high motivation, could be in terms of achievement and socialization.
  • Tend to be free of parental experience and independent.
  • Clever to look the situation.
  • Rules are applied more loosely. The mid child is allowed to do things certain generally with few restrictions.
  • Adventurous. Like to socialized and live in groups.
  • Free to express their unique personality.
  • Tend to be more expressive. Ambition to surpass their eldest, especially when their age is close.
  • Thought tend to oppose, the mid child is usually more adaptable.
  • Flexible and love peace.
  • Have artistic talent.
  • Have social interest.
  • Have high motivation.
  • Tend to need of affection.
  • Tend to feel unloved by parents than their eldest and youngest.
  • Difficult to describe their personality.

A Philosopher and a Sailor

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There was a philosopher who boarded a small boat somewhere. Feeling tired in the boat, and then he was looking for a sailor to discuss. Philosophers as the sailor, “Do you understand the philosophy?” “Do not understand”, replied the sailor. “Hmm unfortunately, you have lost half of your life”, said the philosopher.

The philosopher asked again, “Do you understand the math?” “Do not get it either”, replied the sailor. The philosopher shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, even you do not understand the math. That means you’ve lost another half of your life.”

Suddenly there are large waves, making that boat adrift. The boat has the water in and will sink. The philosopher is fear. Instantly the sailor asked the philosopher, ”Sir, can you swim?” Philosopher quickly shook his head and said, “I can’t, help me quick”. Sailor laughed at him and said, “You can’t swim, what is the meaning of your life? It means that you will lose all your life.”

Everyone actually has advantages and disadvantages of each. Proud of the ability was only natural, but do not make you become arrogant and conceited. Remember, there’s always people who smarter than us. We also still need to learn from the others ability.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Snake and the Saw

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One day, there was a snake entering the carpenter’s warehouse with some work equipment are still scattered and not tidy. When the snake was slithering around in the shed, he accidentally crept above the saw. The sharp blade, causing snake’s stomach wounded. But the snake assumes the chainsaw attacked. He responded with a chainsaw, peck it many times. The attack caused severe injuries in the mouth. Angry and desperate, the snake tried to defeat his enemy. He twisted the saw strongly. Then his body was injured very badly and he finally died.

Sometimes, when we are angry, we want to hurt others. But in fact unwittingly, it wounded us. Why? Because our words and actions when we angry is the deeds that we regret later. Come, we both learned to not get angry or at least able to relieve anger against the bad situation we may experience.

Mother Answers

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There was a boy who asked his mother, “Mom, my friend told me that his mother always let his own hand to bitten by a mosquito until filled with blood so the mosquito will not bite my friends’ hand. Would you do the same like his mom?” The mother laughed and answers frankly, “No. But I will repel the mosquito all night so it did not bite you and our family.” Hearing the answer, the boy smiled and went back to playing activities.

Not long after, the boy turned back to his mother. It turned out that he suddenly remembered something. “Mom, I’ve heard a tory that there was a mother who would not eat so her children can eat well. It she was you, what are you going to do?” the boy asked the almost same question. This time his mother replied with more assertive voice, “I will work hard so that we can all eat and were filled. So, you don’t have to be difficult to swallow because I saw your mother starve”.

The boy smile and then embrace her lovingly, “Thanks, Mom. I can always rely on you”. She rubbed her son’s hair and replied, “No, son! But I will educate you to be able to stand firmly on your own feet, so you will not fall down when I’m no longer on your side. Because I’m not going to always on your side.”

How many of parents who often to feel willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of her children? Don’t we realize that such attitudes could blunt the child’s mentally braveness? So, it is wise to all parents to not only made themselves a resting-place for their children but also makes that backrest is no longer needed in the future. It is wise if the parents form their children to be independent as a person when the parents can no longer accompany the children in the world.

Looking for Perfection

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One day, Kahlil Gibran dialogues with his teacher.

Gibran: “O teacher, how do we get the most perfect thing in Life?”. The teacher mused then replied, “go straight to the flower garden, pluck the most beautiful flower and never turn back!”. After a walk and reached the end of flower garden, Gibran returned empty-handed. Then the teacher asked, “Why you do not get any interest?” Gibran replied, “Actually I got it. I didn’t pluck it because I thought it might be a more beautiful flower in the front. But when I’ve reached the end, I realized that what I saw that was the most beautiful and I could not turn back again.”

The teacher is smiling and said, “Yes.. That’s life. The more we seek perfection, the more we will never get it, because the true is, there is no absolute perfection. There is only our sincerity of our hearts to receive the existing shortcomings. So do not look for perfection but complete what is in us.”

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to Communicate with A Blood Type Person

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Do not talk with confrontational topics, for example, a controversial topic because they do not like to make a confrontation with you.

Use relatively polite words because they are very sensitive and sometimes conservative so if the words are not in accordance with their minimum standards of decency, it would be offensive to them.
If want to answer them, try to speak complete and meaningful because they are very perfect and do not really like the incomplete things.
Ask their views and opinions because they are very creative for this and listen carefully when they explain.
Do not exceed them when delivery something. That means, don’t make them they are surpassed in terms of intelligence and experience.
Respect them with praise as necessary because the excessive praise will make them doubt the sincerity of the praise.

In addition, the A blood type person like to talk about peaceful and cooperative topics. They do not like the topic related to others’ lunge or personalities which has no parameter explained. They are very sensitive which means every word that defies their common sense would become the benchmark them against people who want to communicate with. Be careful of A blood type person because they are actually extraordinary observer.