Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Five Life Balls

pic source: google.com

Brian Dyson, the former executive of Coca Cola, once said an interesting speech, “Imagine, life is like as acrobat with five balls in the air. You can each name the balls: Work – Family – Health – Friends and Spirit. You have to keep the balls in the air and protect it to not fall.

Even if the situation requires you to release one among five balls, release the ‘Work’ ball because that is a RUBBER BALL. When you drop it, one day it will bounce back to you, but the other balls are the GLASS BALL. If you drop it, you may cause fatal.”

Brian Dyson tries to suggest us to live balanced manner. In fact, we are too protective keep the Work which is a rubber ball, we even sacrifice Family, Health, Friends and Spirit for saving the rubber ball.

For the sake of money or work, we ignore the family. For the sake of success in work, we are being a workaholic and not pay attention to Health. Even for the sake money or work, we are willing to destroy our relationship with Friends that we built for years.

It doesn’t mean that work is not important but don’t make work or money be our GOD in our life.

Remember, even if we lose money, we can still find it again but if Family already sold, where we buy it again? Lost money can still sought but can we buy a friend? Lost money can still sought but can we recuperate our health normally if we are critical illness?

Take care your life priority to remain balance..

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