Friday, February 13, 2015

The Characteristics of Middle Child

                                          Pic source:

Among the eldest and the youngest, the middle child is well known with their negotiation skill. Because the wedge position so they want to get the attention of the parents or others around them. The middle child is quite difficult to pin down but they tend to be the opposite of their eldest.

These are the characteristics of middle child:
  • Tend to be more independent so they could build and form their own character. For example, their mother holds their youngest and their father hold their eldest, then they doesn't know what to rely on anyone. Eventually they became more independent.
  • Because of neglect, the second or middle tend to have high motivation, could be in terms of achievement and socialization.
  • Tend to be free of parental experience and independent.
  • Clever to look the situation.
  • Rules are applied more loosely. The mid child is allowed to do things certain generally with few restrictions.
  • Adventurous. Like to socialized and live in groups.
  • Free to express their unique personality.
  • Tend to be more expressive. Ambition to surpass their eldest, especially when their age is close.
  • Thought tend to oppose, the mid child is usually more adaptable.
  • Flexible and love peace.
  • Have artistic talent.
  • Have social interest.
  • Have high motivation.
  • Tend to need of affection.
  • Tend to feel unloved by parents than their eldest and youngest.
  • Difficult to describe their personality.

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