Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Don’t Give Up

pic source: berhati.com

One day, there are two frogs plunged into a shallow wells, soon their friends come and gather while screaming to do this and do that, though the friends think that there’s no hope for the 2 frogs. They suggested to both frog to give up and just wait until they die.

First frog received his fate and didn’t do anything. Second frog continued jump and jump. His friend outside shouted and gave sign for him to stop and give up. But in order to give up, the second frog jump higher and finally get out from the wells. The excitement burst. His friends asked him why he continued to jump when they cried out to give up. The second frog replied, “I couldn’t hear you but I saw you seem to cheer me.”

In life, sometimes we need to close our ears from who talks around us. We need to focus working on what we believe that we will be successful and then silence their mouth with success that we have achieved.

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