Thursday, February 12, 2015

Looking for Perfection

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One day, Kahlil Gibran dialogues with his teacher.

Gibran: “O teacher, how do we get the most perfect thing in Life?”. The teacher mused then replied, “go straight to the flower garden, pluck the most beautiful flower and never turn back!”. After a walk and reached the end of flower garden, Gibran returned empty-handed. Then the teacher asked, “Why you do not get any interest?” Gibran replied, “Actually I got it. I didn’t pluck it because I thought it might be a more beautiful flower in the front. But when I’ve reached the end, I realized that what I saw that was the most beautiful and I could not turn back again.”

The teacher is smiling and said, “Yes.. That’s life. The more we seek perfection, the more we will never get it, because the true is, there is no absolute perfection. There is only our sincerity of our hearts to receive the existing shortcomings. So do not look for perfection but complete what is in us.”

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