Friday, May 15, 2015

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A girl was standing on the roof of a high building. After finding out that her husband was cheating on her, she wanted to end with her life. After a short hesitation, she made a step forward. The girl fell fast towards the ground. 

But just before the death, the fear filled her soul. Suddenly she felt like she was in someone’s embrace. She opened her eyes and saw an angel, who was holding her in his hands.

Woman: Why didn’t you let me fall? (She asked with anger)

Angel: I will let you go if you agree to die understanding that there won’t be any memories of you left on earth, nothing.

Woman: How is that? 

Angel: You don’t have children, who would remember you, your mother is old and she will die soon. And everyone else…they will forget about you soon…

Woman: And my husband? He will blame himself for my death. If he will feel remorse all his life, he will remember me.

Angel: That won’t happen, he doesn't love you, he is happy with another woman. And he won’t blame himself for a long time, soon he will forget you.

Woman: Fine, I believe you. But I have things, photographs.

Angel: Your apartment will burn down after one year. And all your things will turn into ash…

Woman: But my friends have photos of me.

Angel: You don’t have friends, – the angel said quite coldly.

Woman: But… I am on the collective school photos.

Suddenly, the angel started to unclamp his hands.

Woman: You are letting me go because I proved to you that there will be memories about me left? – The girl asked mockingly.

Angel: No. You are clinging to the strings so hard; you are convincing me that I would let you die, just like others are clinging to some futile opportunities so that they could live. I don’t want to spend these moments with you, because I could help other people during that time. I want to give people a chance to live, not to die.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Can Any Banker Answer It?

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An old man came into the bank and asked for a loan of 500 dollars. The bank employee started filling out the papers.

Banker: What are you going to do with this money? 
Old man: I will go to the city to sell the jewellery that I made.
Banker: What do you have for the security of the loan?
Old man: I don’t know, what is a security? – the man said.
Banker: Well, security is something that has value and can cover the cost of the loan. Do you have a car?
Old man: Yes, a 1949 year truck.
Banker: No, it won’t suit, Maybe you have livestock?
Old man: Yes, I have a horse.
Banker: How old is it?
Old man: I don’t know because it doesn't have teeth anymore to tell.

In the end the papers for the loan were filled and the man was given 500 dollars.

After a couple of weeks the man came to the bank again, the same clerk, with a package of money. He counted the ones belonging to the bank and hid the other ones.

Banker: What are you going to do with the other money?
Old man: I will keep them in my house.
Banker: You can make a deposit in our bank.
Old man: I don’t know, what’s a deposit? 
Banker: Well, you give the money to the bank, bank takes care of it, and when you need money, you can take it.

The old man thought about it and asked:
Does the bank have something to give me in security for the money?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Chasing Happiness

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A big dog saw a puppy chasing its tail and asked, "Why are you chasing your tail that way?"
"I have studied philosophy and solved the problem of the universe, which no other dog before me had ever solved," the puppy answered, "and I have found out that the best thing for a dog in life, is happiness, and that my happiness is in my tail. That is why I am chasing it, and when I catch it, I will reach happiness."
"Son," the dog said, "in my young days I was also interested in the questions of the universe. I also thought that the happiness is in the tail and in the beginning I was also chasing it. But later I have noticed that anywhere I go and whatever I do, the tail was following behind me. And then I understood that I don’t need to chase it."

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Farmer and The Hunter

image source: google image

In the days of ancient China, there was a farmer who has a hunter neighbor with his careless fierce dogs. The dogs often jump the fence and chase the farmer’s sheep. The farmer asked the hunter to keep the dogs but he didn't care.

One day, the dogs were jumping the fence and attacked some sheep so badly injured. The farmer lost his patience, then he went to town to consultation to a judge.

Judge said, “I could punish the hunter and order to confine the dogs to be chained. But, you will lose a friend and gain an enemy. Which one you choose, a friend or enemy of your neighbor?” the farmer prefers to have a friend and the judge tell the solution.

The farmer went home and took his best three ships to give it to the hunter’s children. The hunter’s children are very welcome that they have sheep as toy and pet and play with sheep. To keep the children’s sheep, the hunter keeps the dogs into cage. Since that, the dogs never interfere the farmer’s sheep.

In addition to the gratitude, the hunter often give the farmer the prey that he got. In return, the farmer sends the hunter lambs and homemade cheese. In a short time, the neighbors become good friends.

As ancient Chinese idiom says, “The best way to beat and influence people is with virtue, goodness and compassion.”

It is almost same with American expression that says, “A person can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Four Candles Story

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There are 4 candles are litting, slowly melted.

It was so quiet that their conversation was heard

The first said: "I am the Peace." "But man can not look after me: it is better I turned myself alone!" So little by little the candle lit off.
The second said: "I am Faith." "Too bad I'm not useful anymore." "People do not want to know me, for that there was no need for me to stay on." Once finished speak,it  extinguished by wind.

Sadly, turn the third candle to speak: "I am Love." "I'm not able anymore to stay on." "People no longer look for me and think that I’m useful." "They hate each other, even hate those who love him, hate his family." Without waiting a long time, then off the third candle.

Unexpectedly ...

A child came into the room, and saw the three candles had been extinguished. Because of fear of the darkness, he said: "Ekh what happened ?? You must stay on, I'm afraid of the dark! "

Then he is crying out loud.

Then the fourth candle said:

Do not be afraid, Do not cry, for I was still there and on, we still can always light a candle three others:

"I am HOPE."

With shining eyes, the child took the Candle of Hope and lit the other three candles back.

The thing that never dies in our heart is only HOPE... and each of us may be able to be a tool, like a child, which in any circumstances be able to revive the Faith, Peace, Love with its HOPE!

Life is not always bright, sometimes the wind blow, dimming our "candles". In any difficult circumstances, lest you lose hope ... especially hopes to Him. With hope, God willing, we can survive and with His permission we can light "candles" Another of our lives.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Lazy Grasshopper and The Ants

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In a field one summer's day a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content.  A group of ants walked by, grunting as they struggled to carry plump kernels of corn. He was observing some ants collecting food for the winter. They were busy in carrying the food and storing it into their home. Making fun of them, the grasshopper said to one of them, "Where are you going with those heavy things?" asked the grasshopper.

Without stopping, the first ant replied, "To our ant hill.  This is the third kernel I've delivered today."
"Why not come and sing with me," teased the grasshopper, "instead of working so hard?" 
"We are helping to store food for the winter," said the ant, "and think you should do the same." 
"Winter is far away and it is a glorious day to play," sang the grasshopper.
But the ants went on their way and continued their hard work.

The grasshopper replied, “Ha! What a foolish thing to do! Worrying about the future! Not enjoying the present.” Saying so the grasshopper left the place humming a melodious song.

The weather soon turned cold.  All the food lying in the field was covered with a thick white blanket of snow that even the grasshopper could not dig through.  Soon the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger. He staggered to the ants' hill and saw them handing out corn from the stores they had collected in the summer.  He begged them for something to eat.

"What!" cried the ants in surprise, "haven't you stored anything away for the winter?  What in the world were you doing all last summer?"
"I didn't have time to store any food," complained the grasshopper; "I was so busy playing music that before I knew it the summer was gone."
The ants shook their heads in disgust, turned their backs on the grasshopper and went on with their work.

When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need, saving for the future is the best help and there is a time for work and a time for play.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sand and Rock

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Once upon a time, there are two friends were walking in the desert. On the way they both fight and in anger, one slapped other. Then a friend who was slapped, wrote on the sand, "Today my friend just slapped me."

After that, they walk around again and found an oasis, a fountain in the middle of the desert. Then, when they're drinking, it turns out that a friend who was slapped is dragging in deep water oasis. He began to sink. Lucky, his friend was helping him so that he is safe. Then, after break, he took a stone and wrote to the stone, "Today my friend just saved me."

Wonder, his friend asked, “You wrote on the sand now you’re writing on the stone, what's the difference?"

The friend replied, "When my friend did a bad thing, I wrote in the sand. So that later, the written in the sand will be blown by the wind and disappeared. That is, I just wanted this experience does not want me to remember and only briefly in my mind. Then I’ll forget it. But the goodness that my friend did, I write in stone so I can always remember him. "

Well, young friend, do you like the friend in that story or just the opposite. There are people who actually know the ugliness of his writing on stone. But his kindness on the sand. So, we assisted and helped, he did not remember, but if we make a little mistake he will remember for the rest of his life. Our lesson this time is simple, be easy to forgive and many remember the kindness of others. Thus, we will have more friends than enemies.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Old Man's Shoes

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One day an old man will be traveling on a city bus. He want to visit his grandchildren that he loves. At the moment he set foot to the bus stairs, one of the shoes came off and fell into the street. But unfortunately, the door has been closed and the bus was speeding. This bus will only stop at the next stop which is quite far away.

Of course he can not levy shoes apart earlier but the old man calmly took off his onother shoe and threw it out the side window of the bus.

Feeling wonder, a young man who sat next to him asked, “excuse me Sir, why you threw your shoe?” The old man cools replied, “Ooo.. That’s for whoever who find my shoes had been able to use it”.

The young man was silent and brooding, learns to understand the meaning and nature of the sentence that he had just heard. The old man attitude in the story above is an example of a free and independent people. He has been able to let go of a thing or property. He was very different from most people who maintain something solely because it wanted to, or even because they do not want anyone else to have it.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

3 Questions

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One day there is a man who hurriedly ran to Socrates. So, with gasping he said that he had important information to be conveyed to him.

Socrates whom well known of his wise said, "Brother, before you tell the information, I have three questions for you. First, do you think the news you want to tell is the TRUTH or not? "The man replied," How could I know, it’s a gossip, I do not know if it’s true or not!

Then Socrates asked another question, “Is the information that you will tell, is it good or bad?”. The man replied, “Not really because it speak about other’s badness”.

Last, Socrates asked him, “Well this is my third question, Will you tell the USEFUL?" The man replied, "I think not useful anyway!" "Then do you think you still want to tell that  to me?" Finally, the man cancel his intention to tell Socrates.

Sometimes you should also have to filter the information that delivered to you. In story above, Socrates taught three ways to test the information that come to you. So there are four important test that you can do.

First test is the background source (who told it, are they credible and trustworthy?). Second is test contains (is it sense/rational or not? Is it opposite with your believes or your principle?). Third is benefit test (will it be useful, beneficial or will it hep you or not). Las is the test result (if it is done, what will happen).

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Only One String

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A famous violist in the 19th century, named Niccolo Paganini, played a concert in a room fulled with his fans. At that time he played the violin with  full orchestra accompaniment.

Suddenly one of his violin strings broken off, then a cold sweat began to wet his forehead, but he continued to play the song. Very surprising moment, then the others strings was broken off one by one until only one string only. Paganini still continued to play the violin. When the audiences realized that Paganini only has one string and he kept playing, they shouted, "Great, great."

Paganini then told them to sit down after the applause and cheers. The audiences realized that he could not possibly play again with a string. Paganini salute to the audience and give cues to the orchestra conductor to resume the final part of the song. With sparkling eyes, he shouted, "Paganini with the one string!" He then put the violin on his chin and began continue the final part of the song so beautifully.

It is true that sometimes our live are filled with problems, fears, disappointments and a lot of things are not good. To be honest, we often devote too much time concentrating on our broken string and everything that we feel can not be changed.

Do we still think of strings that broke up in our lives? Is the tone of last string not beautiful anymore?

If so, do not look back, keep going and play the only string. Nicely play the one string.

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Story of Big Stones in a Bucket

image source: google image

A teacher was giving a lesson of good time management for his students. 

The teacher with the spirit is standing in front of the class and said, "Now it's time for a little test." Not long after, he took an empty bucket and put it on the table. Then he filled the bucket with a rock the size of an adult fist. He filled continuously so that no more stones that can be inserted into the bucket.

He asked his students, "Is this bucket full?"

All of the students replied, "Yes." Teachers were also asked, "Really?"

Then from the basket which he prepared earlier, he pulled out a small bag of pebbles. He poured gravel into a bucket, shaking the bucket so that all the gravel down into the cracks between the rocks. Then he once again asked the students, "Well, Is this basket full?"

The students thought for a moment and paused. one student replied, "Maybe not full, sir." "Yes, very good," said the teacher. Then he took out a bag of sand and poured it into a bucket. And he also asked the students again, "All right, Is this basket full?"

The students answered quickly, "Not yet!"

Teachers also responded, "Good. Very good." Then he poured a bottle of water into the bucket up to the brim. Furthermore, he asked, "What is the meaning of that illustration?"

A student vigor answered, "The point is, no matter how full your schedule is owned by us, if we try as hard as possible then surely we can do it." "Oh, not really," replied the teacher, "That's not the point."

The point is if we do not enter a "big rock" in advance, then we'll never get them all. 

"What is meant by 'big rock'? Our children, our spouses, our education, the most important things in our lives , teach useful things for other people, doing the work we love, time for ourselves, our health, our friend, our friend or all are precious to us all. 

So, every morning or evening, when we will reflect on this story, ask to yourself, "What is the 'big rocks' in my life?", then Work on it the first time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Letter from God

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WHEN you wake up in the morning, I look at you and hope you will talk to me, even though only one word asking my opinion or thanking me for something wonderful things that happen in your life today and yesterday.

However, I see you are so busy preparing to go to work. I returned awaits you when you're ready, I know there will be little time for you to stop and say hello to me, but you're too busy. Somewhere, you sit in a chair for fifteen minutes without doing anything. Then I saw you move your feet. I thought you would talk to me, but you ran to the phone and call someone to listen to the latest news.

I saw you when you go to work and I waited patiently all day. With all your activity, I think you are too busy to say something to me. Before lunch I saw you look around, maybe you feel lazy to talk to me. That's why you do not bow your head. You are looking at three or four tables around you and see some friends talking and calling my name softly before they eat the food that I gave.

But you do not do it. For me it's okay, there's still time left and I wish you would talk to me, even when you go home it seems there are still many things that you must do. Then after your job is finished, you turn on the TV and you spend a lot of time to watch it. Back I waited patiently while you watch TV and enjoy your food, but you forget to talk to me. When you sleep, I think you feel too tired. After saying goodnight to your family, you jump into bed and fall asleep without a word in my name you call. That's okay, because you may not be aware that I am always there for you.

I have to be patient for longer than you ever realized. I even want to teach how to be patient with others. I love you so much. Every day I look forward to a word, prayer, grateful of mind or heart.

Well, you get back up and back I am looking lovingly that today you will give me a little time to greet me. I myself wonder, if one of my thee? Sustenance which I bestowed, health which I give, I treasure Relax, I serve food, children who I rahmatkan? Does it not make you remember me?

Believe me I have always loved you and I still hope one day you will greet me, begging my protection, and prostrate towards me.

The always with you at all times,

God the Creator

Monday, April 20, 2015

Beat Your Fear

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There is a worker who always pass the cemetery area every time he go to work and home. One night, when he got home from work, past the graveyard area, suddenly he fell into a deep pit. Tried to rise, but did not succeed because he always stumble back. Finally he thought, "forced to settle overnight in this hole until dawn tomorrow get help."

A moment later, unfortunately fell again a pedestrian who is passing there. The hole is big and dark. He also tried to climb out, but still failed. Then there was a voice that said (the first person), "Dude! don't climb again, it's better to spend the night here." When he heard a voice speaking to him, he suddenly stood up, chilling fear. He thought there''s a ghost talking to him. With fear, he is trying hard to jump and climb out of the pit, it worked. After the exit, he scuttled.

How much force the man in disguise? No one can tell. Only when the need is urgent, the outward force that will flow out, sometimes it can be more discreet. If someone can use a rogue-hidden powers, the results obtained will be very useful.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Real Friend

image source: google image

There is a big tree which has a lot of big golden fruits.

A starling perched came into the tree. "What a very lush and pretty with yummy fruits." After hearing the praise of starlings, and the tree replied, "Friend, stay in me!" .

Then, a canary flew into the tree, facing the tree, singing; "This tree is very green, very fragrant fruit, very nice like an angel. "The tree replied the canary singing," If you want to eat my fruit, just take it, friends! "

A woodpecker perched also to this fruitful tree, he pecks here and there, on the whole body of the tree, making the tree was in terrible pain. Then the woodpecker said; "I saw there is a disguisting caterpillar in you, I would like to bite him out. If not, you will be in pain eaten by worms." The tree was angry and said, "Nonsense, you peck me, deliberately wanted to kill y, get out of here! " The woodpecker finally gone.

Before long, the trees ill, fall it leaves turned yellow. Then the branches withered, can not bear fruit again. The starlings gone away, the canary is also never sing and back again.

One day, woodpecker come to him again, although the tree cried out in pain, she does not care, continuously pecking until all the worms in the body of the tree inedible exhausted. Two weeks later, the leaves of this tree grows back, the green starts to look, dense and fruitful lg like

Compassionately the tree said with emotion; "It turns out that we sing and praise is not a real friend, but who that thinks and willing to point out our flaws and help us, that's a true friend."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Why Blame Parents?

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Our parents are not angels, they were same with us. They might be wrong and have many weaknesses. When it is in the parents, do not complain much less disseminated. Fix and straighten.

When the parents are doubt with your choice, make it as a practice to negotiate and convincing others. not just blame and underestimate your parents' opinion. Perhaps your parents are doubt with your choice because your mindset, attitudes and behavior are not feasible to be trusted.

I believe, as long as you have a lot accomplishment, have strong leadership soul, accurate opinions, trusworthy when given job by parents, care of the family and other positive things, you will be much easier to conquer the hearts of your parents. It's really not nice if you demand you parents to agree woth your ideas and opinions while you yourself have not confident, independent and has not yet had a lot of work.

When your parents had a bad habit, then invite and make them busy with positive activities that your parents really like. people who have the time to do badness might be because they did not know much kindness way that has not been done. open the kindness door and accompanied them to busy in it.

If parents have bad mental attitude and character, frequently invited to talk privately. From heart to heart. it is your duty, not a duty of preacher, trainer, psychologist, sages and expert human empowerment. Do not too often invite them to their events. Let them go to the training seminars or such events like on consciousness themself. not pushed by you.

Do not disenchant you parents by other outsources. It is your job. maybe some of you have nothing to complain of "well I do not have the ability for it". if you already know that you do not have such ability, then learn if you are really willing to sacrifice for the sake of your parents.

Devotion to parents is also envidenced by your act to keep cover their weaknesses, straighten the wrongs and your willingness to frequently share stories only with them. Start now.


Monday, March 23, 2015

5 Most Poor Billionaire

When we talk about a billionaire or the richest men in world, we will imagine how their lifestyle for sure and how they spend their money for pride or just show off their wealth.
But these 5 billionaires are precisely 'competing' to show their modesty. They do not ashamed nor ruined their dignity to show their simplicity though God give them richness. interestingly, they do it not because they want to look for sensation but based on some spesific reason which actually very normal and reasonable.
Here are they, the rich men who claim to be 'poor'.

1. Nicholas Berggruen

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A rich man with 20 billion dollars fortune in 2010. But it is not wealth that makes it famous. Nicholas is a billionaire who has no home. He decided to live his life naturally as it is. Even he decided to spend a lot of money to be donated as a social charity in various areas. For him, wealth is about what you give to the world not how much money you have.

2. Yu Youzen

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This woman is very unique. How could not, with income from several businesses that she has in China, this woman choose to become a street cleaner. Yes, she is Yu Youzhen, a woman from China who regularly wakes up at 3 am to instantly clean up the streets along 2 miles away. That 53 years old mother does that to teach her children to have work hard spirit without depending to her wealth. Though she has properties which value until $1.500.000, wow!

It seems that her unique lesson is success enough because her children are become a taxi driver and an employee.

3. Ingvar Kamprad

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Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of phenomenon Swedich furniture, IKEA has recorded many achievments thorough adfordable self-build furnitures. For Kamprad, how to save money is not only for his customers but also for himself.

There's a quote in among IKEA people, 'IKEA staffs don't drive fancy car nor luxury hotel'. That's also appply for its founder. Kamprad only use business class plane for abroad and for arround the town he rides bus or his 15 years old Volvo 240GL.

4. Mark Zuckerberg

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The CEO and founder of Facebook who has 15.4 billion USD still lives same way as he used to do. He admitted that he rides Acura TSX and change it to Volkswagen GTI valued 30.000 USD.

In 2011, he even bought a house for 7 million USD in Palo Alto, United State. He also very modest in attire, he oftenly seen only wears simple t-shirt and hoodie jacket.

5. Zong Qinghou

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He is a founder and CEO of Hangzhou Wahaha Group. Zong is a  very humble, focus and modest man. Zhong start his carrier as a soda and candy seller to students until now he is the richest man in mainland China and dominate soft drink as much as 15% market in China.

But Zhong doesn't look like as billionaire at all. He wears simple clothes, eats tofu and pickles for lunch with his staffs in canteen and only spends 20 dollar everyday. He rejects fancy food and prefer to eat simple meals. Even Zhong is very proud with his success that he has, he definitely nover forget with his origins.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Wife is Angry to Her Husband

pic source: google image

Wife: why the hell you didn't tell from the first if you're as poor as this??
Husband: I've told you, dear. But you weren't hear and understand.
Wife: what have you said?
Husband: i said, you’re the only one that i have in the world. But you replied, ‘oh so sweet..’

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Why Should I Pay?

pic source: google image

A pretty woman stayed overnight in five stars hotel. When she check out, she shocked seeing the hotel bill $700. She protest to the Hotel Manager.

“I just slept one night but why should I pay $700? I want the details!”

“The cost includes spa, pool, gym, tennis court, Wi-Fi etc.”

“I didn’t use it at all, why should I pay?”

“We provide it, why you didn’t use it?”
Smell fishy, that pretty woman won’t debate, she takes $100 out and put in on hotel manager’s table then said,
“I just want pay $100. The $600 rest is a one night makes love with me.”

The hotel manager stammer answered,
“I.. I don’t make love with you.”


“I provide it, why you don’t use it?”

Friday, March 13, 2015

How to Control Anger

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How the brain processes emotions? The information captured by the senses we received and transferred into two channels, those are the emotions regulator (the amygdala) and the thinking part (the neocortex). Interestingly, the process of information to the amygdala takes faster than the process to the neocortex. When we feel a very strong emotion, the amygdala will soon take over our brain and take action to escape, fighting or sculpting. Consequently, the neocortex didn’t get work and we cannot access the information with rational. This process named ‘the amygdala piracy’ by Daniel Goleman. This is the reason why we often regret when we did some acts or took decision at our intense emotion.

Therefore, when we are in the condition that may trigs the intense emotions, then stop. Give time to our brain to think. One of the emotion management technique states to stop doing anything for 6 seconds to give enough time to make amygdala stop pirate our thinking brain.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The meaning of A Pencil

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First quality, a pencil reminds you if you can do great things in life. Just like a pencil when it’s writing, you should never forget that there’s a hand that is always guiding you to step in this life. We call it ‘the hand of God’, he will lead us according to his will.

Second quality, grandma sometimes stops and uses a sharpener to sharpen the pencil several times. This sharpener will definitely make the pencil suffer. But after it finish sharpened, the pencil will get the sharpness back. So you are, in this life you should dare to accept suffering and distress because they will make you a better person.

Third quality, the pencil always gives us the opportunity to use the eraser, to delete the wrong words. Therefore, fixing our fault in this life, is not a bad thing. It can help us to remain on the right path.

Fourth quality, the most important part of a pencil is not the outer but charcoal inside pencil. Therefore, always carefully and realize things in you.

Fifth quality, the pencil is always leaves marks or scratches. As you, you should be aware that whatever you do in this life will leave the impression.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Give Your Wife All She Needs

pic source: google image

Wife: Dear, newspaper please..
Husband: Ah, youu.. world already advanced as now. All digital already but you still read the news from newspaper. Here, use my iPad.

Then the wife use the iPad to strike a cockroach on the floor.

Husband: *fainted*

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Don't Judge Book by Its Cover

pic image: google image

Once upon a day, an old man and a 25 year old girl are sitting in the train opposite with a man and a young lady. When the train is running the girl is very happy, like a child who thrills to ride train for the first time. “Dad dad.. Look! Those trees walked back toward us,” said the girl.

That phenomenon of course is a common thing when we are in vehicle. But that girl is very enthusiastic, acting like a child. “Dad dad, look!” She said while pointing the clouds, “The clouds are following us.” The old man is smiling look his daughter.

It’s different with the couple who sat in front of them. They both stared at the girl with a strange look. They think the girl acted strange.  25 years old but acts like a child. “Why you didn’t bring your daughter to the doctor?” Ask one of couple. She’s looking at her with a pity gaze. They think the young girl has abnormal behavior or abnormal psychological.

The old man smiled. “I have brought my daughter to the doctor, shortly after she was born. The doctor told me that she was blind”, said the old man, “Not long ago my daughter had eyes surgery and succeed. It is her first time see the world through her eyes.”

It’s easy for us to judge someone looks strange, stupid, impolite brash and other. But is it makes you better than them? Not really. Because everyone has their own life story. Sometimes they also had wound. It would be wise if you do not judge other without unknowing the story behind it.

Monday, March 9, 2015


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Wrinkles around the eyes shows the line of happiness. This shows signs of happiness. This shows signs of openness heart to everyone. Vertical lines that there is delivered eyes showed the figure of the logical, hardworking and also critical. Wrinkles around the nose up to the mouth is a line of life goals. People who have a frown lines has vision and mission in their life.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Who Is the Most Stupid?

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One day, a man is cutting his hair on the barber shop which located not far from his office. He and the barber see a 10 year old boy is running and jumping in front of them.

The barber said, “That is Ben, he is the most stupid boy that I’ve ever know!” “Really”, replied the man.

The barber call the boy then he takes his $2 and $1 out from his pocket then asked Ben to choose, “Ben, you may choose and take one of this money. It’s up to you which one you would choose.” Ben looked the barber’s hands and quickly takes $1 from him.

With a pride sense, the barber saw and turned into the man and said, “See what I said earlier. Ben is the most stupid boy I’ve ever know!” There is countless time I tested him like that and he always takes the $1 which is less value than $2.”

After the man finished, in a way back to office, he met Ben. Feeling curious with what he had seen before, he called Ben and asked, “Ben, I saw when a barber offers you $2 and $1, why you didn’t take the $2? That is twice more value than $1?” Ben chuckled and replied, “I will not get $1 every day because that barber always wonders why I take $1. If I took $2, the game is over and I will get no more $1 every day.”

There are a lot of people who feel smarter than others, so they often underestimate others. Only GOD knows how smart each person is. It would be wise if we do not consider themselves than others.

An Entrepreneur's Email

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An unemployment man is applying for the Office Boy position in Microsoft. The HR Manager interviewed him and tested him to clean the floor. “You hired. Give me your email address, I will send you the application form to be filled also your work start date”, said HR Manager.

That man replied, “But I don’t have computer even email”. “I’m sorry, if you don’t have email then you will never be hired here,” add HR Manager.

That man is hopeless and don’t know what to do. With only $10 left in pocket, he decided to go to supermarket and buy 10kg tomatoes. Then he sells those tomatoes from door to door. Less in 2 hours, all the tomatoes sold and he got his money double.

He repeated his sales until three times and go home with $60. He realized that he could survive by selling tomatoes and start selling tomatoes every day and come home late at night.

He got 3 times profit in a day and repeat day by day. In short time, he bought car, truck then has his own delivery vehicle.

5 years later, he became one of biggest food retailer in United States. He starts to plan his family future and decided to have life insurance.

He call insurance broker and choose protection plan. When in conversation, the broker asked him his email which will be used for insurance purposes.

He answered, “I don’t have email”. That broker shock and wondering, “You don’t have email but already successfully built the imperium company business. Can you imagine what could be happen if you have email?” That man thought for a moment then replied, “Yes. I would be an office boy in Microsoft!”

When one door closed, another door opens. But sometimes we see and regret the closed door too long so we couldn’t see the other door which is open. Never stop trying and do not give up because of a failure.

5 Most Regrets in Life

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A nurse reveals the 5 most regret of her almost die patients, those are:

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
I wish I didn’t work so hard.
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Carrot, Eggs or Coffee Beans?

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A girl is complaining to her father about her life and how the conditions are very hard for her. She doesn’t know how to handle and she wants give up. She was tire to continue fight and struggle. It looks like when one problem solved, there’s another problem.

Her father, a chef, took her into kitchen then fill 3 pots began to boil. In the first pot he put the carrots, in another pot he laid eggs and in the last pot he put the coffee beans. He let those boil without saying a word at all.

The daughter confused with what her father did. She has a problem but her father act strange.

Half hour later, the father walked to the stove and turn off the stove. Remove all ingredients to each glass. The father asked, “Dear, what do you see?” She quickly replied, “Carrots, eggs and coffee”.

The father took her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She does it and feels the carrots already softened. Then the father asked her to take the eggs that have been boiled and crack it. After she cracked the egg shells, she observed that those all solid. Last, the father asked her to drink the coffee. Her face wrinkled when she taste the power of coffee flavor. She asked him, “What’s the purpose of these all?”

The father explains, “Each of these object through the same thing, 100 degrees hot water. But each of it react differently. The carrots put in with strong and hard texture. But after going through boiled, it becomes soft and weak. The eggs are very fragile. Thin outer shell protects the liquid inside. But after being in boiling water, it became hardened. The coffee beans are unique. Once they were in boiling water, it had stronger and richer smell and taste. So which one are you?

Are you the carrots, eggs or coffee beans? Do you carrots that look strong but with a little pain difficulty and hot you become lethargic, softened and powerless? Do you eggs which initially have a soft heart and spirit that flowing likes liquid but after almost die, a farewell, a divorce a job cuts you become hard and rigid? Your shell looks the same but your heart and soul turned into very hard and rigid. Or, are you coffee beans? Coffee beans would not get the strong taste and aroma until it heated in 100 degrees boiling water. When everything is going worse you actually can do better. When in the dark days, your soul would rise to the next level.”