Monday, April 27, 2015

A Story of Big Stones in a Bucket

image source: google image

A teacher was giving a lesson of good time management for his students. 

The teacher with the spirit is standing in front of the class and said, "Now it's time for a little test." Not long after, he took an empty bucket and put it on the table. Then he filled the bucket with a rock the size of an adult fist. He filled continuously so that no more stones that can be inserted into the bucket.

He asked his students, "Is this bucket full?"

All of the students replied, "Yes." Teachers were also asked, "Really?"

Then from the basket which he prepared earlier, he pulled out a small bag of pebbles. He poured gravel into a bucket, shaking the bucket so that all the gravel down into the cracks between the rocks. Then he once again asked the students, "Well, Is this basket full?"

The students thought for a moment and paused. one student replied, "Maybe not full, sir." "Yes, very good," said the teacher. Then he took out a bag of sand and poured it into a bucket. And he also asked the students again, "All right, Is this basket full?"

The students answered quickly, "Not yet!"

Teachers also responded, "Good. Very good." Then he poured a bottle of water into the bucket up to the brim. Furthermore, he asked, "What is the meaning of that illustration?"

A student vigor answered, "The point is, no matter how full your schedule is owned by us, if we try as hard as possible then surely we can do it." "Oh, not really," replied the teacher, "That's not the point."

The point is if we do not enter a "big rock" in advance, then we'll never get them all. 

"What is meant by 'big rock'? Our children, our spouses, our education, the most important things in our lives , teach useful things for other people, doing the work we love, time for ourselves, our health, our friend, our friend or all are precious to us all. 

So, every morning or evening, when we will reflect on this story, ask to yourself, "What is the 'big rocks' in my life?", then Work on it the first time.

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