Friday, May 15, 2015

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A girl was standing on the roof of a high building. After finding out that her husband was cheating on her, she wanted to end with her life. After a short hesitation, she made a step forward. The girl fell fast towards the ground. 

But just before the death, the fear filled her soul. Suddenly she felt like she was in someone’s embrace. She opened her eyes and saw an angel, who was holding her in his hands.

Woman: Why didn’t you let me fall? (She asked with anger)

Angel: I will let you go if you agree to die understanding that there won’t be any memories of you left on earth, nothing.

Woman: How is that? 

Angel: You don’t have children, who would remember you, your mother is old and she will die soon. And everyone else…they will forget about you soon…

Woman: And my husband? He will blame himself for my death. If he will feel remorse all his life, he will remember me.

Angel: That won’t happen, he doesn't love you, he is happy with another woman. And he won’t blame himself for a long time, soon he will forget you.

Woman: Fine, I believe you. But I have things, photographs.

Angel: Your apartment will burn down after one year. And all your things will turn into ash…

Woman: But my friends have photos of me.

Angel: You don’t have friends, – the angel said quite coldly.

Woman: But… I am on the collective school photos.

Suddenly, the angel started to unclamp his hands.

Woman: You are letting me go because I proved to you that there will be memories about me left? – The girl asked mockingly.

Angel: No. You are clinging to the strings so hard; you are convincing me that I would let you die, just like others are clinging to some futile opportunities so that they could live. I don’t want to spend these moments with you, because I could help other people during that time. I want to give people a chance to live, not to die.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Can Any Banker Answer It?

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An old man came into the bank and asked for a loan of 500 dollars. The bank employee started filling out the papers.

Banker: What are you going to do with this money? 
Old man: I will go to the city to sell the jewellery that I made.
Banker: What do you have for the security of the loan?
Old man: I don’t know, what is a security? – the man said.
Banker: Well, security is something that has value and can cover the cost of the loan. Do you have a car?
Old man: Yes, a 1949 year truck.
Banker: No, it won’t suit, Maybe you have livestock?
Old man: Yes, I have a horse.
Banker: How old is it?
Old man: I don’t know because it doesn't have teeth anymore to tell.

In the end the papers for the loan were filled and the man was given 500 dollars.

After a couple of weeks the man came to the bank again, the same clerk, with a package of money. He counted the ones belonging to the bank and hid the other ones.

Banker: What are you going to do with the other money?
Old man: I will keep them in my house.
Banker: You can make a deposit in our bank.
Old man: I don’t know, what’s a deposit? 
Banker: Well, you give the money to the bank, bank takes care of it, and when you need money, you can take it.

The old man thought about it and asked:
Does the bank have something to give me in security for the money?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Chasing Happiness

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A big dog saw a puppy chasing its tail and asked, "Why are you chasing your tail that way?"
"I have studied philosophy and solved the problem of the universe, which no other dog before me had ever solved," the puppy answered, "and I have found out that the best thing for a dog in life, is happiness, and that my happiness is in my tail. That is why I am chasing it, and when I catch it, I will reach happiness."
"Son," the dog said, "in my young days I was also interested in the questions of the universe. I also thought that the happiness is in the tail and in the beginning I was also chasing it. But later I have noticed that anywhere I go and whatever I do, the tail was following behind me. And then I understood that I don’t need to chase it."

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Farmer and The Hunter

image source: google image

In the days of ancient China, there was a farmer who has a hunter neighbor with his careless fierce dogs. The dogs often jump the fence and chase the farmer’s sheep. The farmer asked the hunter to keep the dogs but he didn't care.

One day, the dogs were jumping the fence and attacked some sheep so badly injured. The farmer lost his patience, then he went to town to consultation to a judge.

Judge said, “I could punish the hunter and order to confine the dogs to be chained. But, you will lose a friend and gain an enemy. Which one you choose, a friend or enemy of your neighbor?” the farmer prefers to have a friend and the judge tell the solution.

The farmer went home and took his best three ships to give it to the hunter’s children. The hunter’s children are very welcome that they have sheep as toy and pet and play with sheep. To keep the children’s sheep, the hunter keeps the dogs into cage. Since that, the dogs never interfere the farmer’s sheep.

In addition to the gratitude, the hunter often give the farmer the prey that he got. In return, the farmer sends the hunter lambs and homemade cheese. In a short time, the neighbors become good friends.

As ancient Chinese idiom says, “The best way to beat and influence people is with virtue, goodness and compassion.”

It is almost same with American expression that says, “A person can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Four Candles Story

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There are 4 candles are litting, slowly melted.

It was so quiet that their conversation was heard

The first said: "I am the Peace." "But man can not look after me: it is better I turned myself alone!" So little by little the candle lit off.
The second said: "I am Faith." "Too bad I'm not useful anymore." "People do not want to know me, for that there was no need for me to stay on." Once finished speak,it  extinguished by wind.

Sadly, turn the third candle to speak: "I am Love." "I'm not able anymore to stay on." "People no longer look for me and think that I’m useful." "They hate each other, even hate those who love him, hate his family." Without waiting a long time, then off the third candle.

Unexpectedly ...

A child came into the room, and saw the three candles had been extinguished. Because of fear of the darkness, he said: "Ekh what happened ?? You must stay on, I'm afraid of the dark! "

Then he is crying out loud.

Then the fourth candle said:

Do not be afraid, Do not cry, for I was still there and on, we still can always light a candle three others:

"I am HOPE."

With shining eyes, the child took the Candle of Hope and lit the other three candles back.

The thing that never dies in our heart is only HOPE... and each of us may be able to be a tool, like a child, which in any circumstances be able to revive the Faith, Peace, Love with its HOPE!

Life is not always bright, sometimes the wind blow, dimming our "candles". In any difficult circumstances, lest you lose hope ... especially hopes to Him. With hope, God willing, we can survive and with His permission we can light "candles" Another of our lives.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Lazy Grasshopper and The Ants

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In a field one summer's day a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content.  A group of ants walked by, grunting as they struggled to carry plump kernels of corn. He was observing some ants collecting food for the winter. They were busy in carrying the food and storing it into their home. Making fun of them, the grasshopper said to one of them, "Where are you going with those heavy things?" asked the grasshopper.

Without stopping, the first ant replied, "To our ant hill.  This is the third kernel I've delivered today."
"Why not come and sing with me," teased the grasshopper, "instead of working so hard?" 
"We are helping to store food for the winter," said the ant, "and think you should do the same." 
"Winter is far away and it is a glorious day to play," sang the grasshopper.
But the ants went on their way and continued their hard work.

The grasshopper replied, “Ha! What a foolish thing to do! Worrying about the future! Not enjoying the present.” Saying so the grasshopper left the place humming a melodious song.

The weather soon turned cold.  All the food lying in the field was covered with a thick white blanket of snow that even the grasshopper could not dig through.  Soon the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger. He staggered to the ants' hill and saw them handing out corn from the stores they had collected in the summer.  He begged them for something to eat.

"What!" cried the ants in surprise, "haven't you stored anything away for the winter?  What in the world were you doing all last summer?"
"I didn't have time to store any food," complained the grasshopper; "I was so busy playing music that before I knew it the summer was gone."
The ants shook their heads in disgust, turned their backs on the grasshopper and went on with their work.

When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need, saving for the future is the best help and there is a time for work and a time for play.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sand and Rock

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Once upon a time, there are two friends were walking in the desert. On the way they both fight and in anger, one slapped other. Then a friend who was slapped, wrote on the sand, "Today my friend just slapped me."

After that, they walk around again and found an oasis, a fountain in the middle of the desert. Then, when they're drinking, it turns out that a friend who was slapped is dragging in deep water oasis. He began to sink. Lucky, his friend was helping him so that he is safe. Then, after break, he took a stone and wrote to the stone, "Today my friend just saved me."

Wonder, his friend asked, “You wrote on the sand now you’re writing on the stone, what's the difference?"

The friend replied, "When my friend did a bad thing, I wrote in the sand. So that later, the written in the sand will be blown by the wind and disappeared. That is, I just wanted this experience does not want me to remember and only briefly in my mind. Then I’ll forget it. But the goodness that my friend did, I write in stone so I can always remember him. "

Well, young friend, do you like the friend in that story or just the opposite. There are people who actually know the ugliness of his writing on stone. But his kindness on the sand. So, we assisted and helped, he did not remember, but if we make a little mistake he will remember for the rest of his life. Our lesson this time is simple, be easy to forgive and many remember the kindness of others. Thus, we will have more friends than enemies.